Clean Bandit千呼萬喚始出來,要遺忘之際頓時重拾對他們的喜愛

這次合作的歌手是2015年底英國X Factor的冠軍Louisa Johnson


是否能成為第二個Jess Gylnne呢?(大推又哭又笑那張專輯)

這次Clean Bandit一改陽光、熱戀、花癡氛圍

改走悲傷情歌,但慷慨激昂依舊(想起Neil 跟 Olly的


題外話,Clean Bandit與瑪琳娜鑽石在整整一年前也有合作一首單曲《Disconnect》,但遲遲不釋出錄音室版,目前只在幾個活動有表演過:

Louisa Johnson




這是她在X Factor的總決賽的表演,之後有出翻唱單曲,在英國來到top9的位置。









I tried hard to make you want me/我竭盡所能地使你動心
But we're not supposed to be/偏偏我們再也回不去
And the truth will always haunt me/這個事實讓我行屍走肉
Even though it set me free/儘管回到自由的單身
And my tears fall like the ocean/我的眼淚匯流成一片汪洋
As they floated in the breeze/當那些往事飄浮在微風之中
They were falling in slow motion/慢動作地遲遲不肯落下
And they brought me to my knees/令我崩潰不已

You're holding me, toying with me all in my brain/打情罵俏的時光縈繞在腦海裡
Turn off the light and now all of the maze/失去光明的我現在迷失了方向
Fills me with doubt/究竟是為什麼?
And I'm shouting your name out loud/大聲咒罵你的名字
Why do you wanna put me through the pain?/為什麼置我於痛苦之中
I get the feeling I'll never escape/深陷情緒的漩渦
I can't hide away from the shade of you/在你的陰影下,我無所遁形


Tears on the ground, tears on my pillow/淚灑了滿地,淚濕了枕頭
You won't bring me down/你再也無法使我傷心
And I'll get over you/我要把你忘掉
These tears will get me through/在淚水乾涸之後
And I'll get over you/便能把你戒掉

I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you/我要忘記你


When did you lose your emotion?/你什麼時候變得那樣冷血?
When did you become so cruel?/你什麼時候變得那樣殘忍?
And if you want to cut me open/倘若你打算將我開腸剖肚
Says a thousands words 'bout you/我會有滿腹的遺言對你訴說
And in time I know you'll leave me/我清楚你某天會離開
Like a distant memory/並且彷彿久遠的回憶般激不起波瀾
I know love can be so easy/我明白愛是很簡單的
If I start by loving me/只要我好好珍惜自己

You're holding me, toying with me all in my brain/打情罵俏的時光依舊縈繞在腦海裡
Turn off the light and now all of the maze/失去光明的我現在迷失了方向
Fills me with doubt/究竟是為什麼?
And I'm shouting your name out loud/大聲咒罵你的名字
Why do you wanna put me through the pain?/為什麼置我於痛苦之中
I get the feeling I'll never escape/深陷情緒的漩渦
I can't hide away from the shade of you/在你的陰影下,我無所遁形


Tears on the ground, tears on my pillow/淚灑了滿地,淚濕了枕頭
You won't bring me down/你再也無法使我傷心
And I'll get over you/我要把你忘掉
These tears will get me through/在淚水乾涸之後
And I'll get over you/便能把你戒掉

I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you/我要忘記你


Tears on the ground, rain at my window/淚滴在地面,雨打在窗前
The pain washed out/洗淨了情傷
And I'll get over you/然後我就能把你忘掉
These tears will get me through/在淚水乾涸之後
And I'll get over you/便能把你戒掉


I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you/我就快戒掉你了
I don't need you to call me tonight/我再也不需要你的晚安
(I'll get over you)
I don't need you to see me if I'm alright/再也不需要噓寒問暖
(I'll get over you)
You left me, so leave me, I'm fine/你拋棄我,那就走吧,我沒事
I'll be here getting on with my life/我會從這個跌倒的地方爬起來


Tears on the ground, tears on my pillow/淚灑了滿地,淚濕了枕頭
You won't bring me down/你再也無法使我憂愁
Tears on the ground, rain at my window/淚滴在地面,雨打在窗前
The pain washed out/洗淨了情傷
Tears on the ground, rain at my window/淚滴在地面,雨打在窗前
The pain washed out/洗盡了回憶
And I'll get over you/然後我就能把你忘掉
Oh yeah, I'll get over you/太棒了,我要把你遺忘

I'll get over.../我要戒掉......
I'll get over you/我要戒掉你


    創作者 大虎士革 的頭像


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