
看來,Demi差不多是完全出櫃了(目前進度:99 %)











If I had it my way, I would take you down/要是我能主導,我會撲倒你
If I had it my way, I would turn you out/要是我能主導,我會害你欲醉欲仙
And if my body had a say, I would come again/倘若讓我的身體做主,我將再臨高潮
Scared of what I might say, cause I'm at the edge/可能的後果令我惶恐,因為我快把持不住了

And our eyes are crossing paths across the room/而我倆的視線在狹窄的房裡重疊
There's only one thing left for us to do/接下來要做的便只有一件事

You can touch me with slow hands/你可以緩緩地用雙手撫慰我
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat/然後加快速度,使我香汗淋漓
Dreamland, take me there cause I want your sex/送我去仙境吧,我渴望著你的性
If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away/假如讓我的身體做主,我不會抵抗
Touch, make love, taste you/愛撫、交歡、啜飲
If my body told the truth, baby I would do/倘若我的身體誠實以告,我會坦然面對
Just what I want to/只是隨心所欲罷了

If I had it my way, I would take the lead/要是我能主導,我將支配一切
And if I had it my way, I would take you deep/要是我能主導,我將進入你的深處
If my body had a say, I'd get it off my chest/倘若讓我的身體做主,我會全盤托出
Show you all the red lace underneath this dress/給你一覽華服下的紅色蕾絲

And our eyes are crossing paths across the room/而我倆的視線在狹窄的房裡重疊
There's only one thing left for us to do/接下來要做的便只有一件事

You can touch me with slow hands/你可以緩緩地用雙手撫慰我
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat/然後加快速度,使我香汗淋漓
Dreamland, take me there cause I want your sex/送我去仙境吧,我渴望著你的性
If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away/假如讓我的身體做主,我不會抵抗
Touch, make love, taste you/愛撫、交歡、啜飲
If my body told the truth, baby I would do/倘若我的身體誠實以告,我會坦然面對
Just what I want to/只是隨心所欲罷了

My mind is getting in the way/我的理智正在力挽狂瀾
Can't feel what my body say/試圖阻擋身體的渴望
I'mma tell you anyway
I'mma tell you anyway/無論如何,我都要向你坦白
My mind is getting in the way/我的理智正在力挽狂瀾
Can't feel what my body say/試圖抑制身體的快感
I'mma show you anyway
I'mma show you anyway/不管怎樣,我都要向你坦白

There's only one thing left for us to do/這是壓倒駱駝的唯一一根稻草
Oh, you can/噢,來吧

You can touch me with slow hands/你可以緩緩地用雙手撫慰我
Speed it up, baby, make me sweat/然後加快速度,使我香汗淋漓
Dreamland, take me there cause I want your sex/送我去仙境吧,我渴望著你的性
If my body had a say, I wouldn't turn away/假如讓我的身體做主,我不會抵抗
Touch, make love, taste you/愛撫、交歡、啜飲
If my body told the truth, baby I would do/倘若我的身體誠實以告,我會坦然面對
Just what I want to/只是隨心所欲罷了



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