





I thought I would know better/我希望自己能夠洞悉人情
That's wishful thinkin'/那簡直天方夜譚
Thought there'd be no pressure/妄想有個無憂無慮的天堂
That's wishful drinkin'/完全是痴人夢話
Is anything forever or just a feeling?/所謂的永恆是否為假象罷了?
What have I been so afraid of?/我怎麼變得如此多慮?
I don't know/不明白啊!

From Brooklyn to New York, then off to the West/從布魯克林至全紐約,從東岸至西岸
In Cali, no Khaled, but fuck, we the best/直到加州,不是家中,我們都是最屌的
My stripes, stay American, lemme express/我是星條旗的最佳模特
And I keep it as live as a Total Request/在舞台上把它混搭的活靈活現
Then they ask me these questions/而他們問我
Like, "How do you do it?/「你是怎麼辦到的?」
Press and the road and the music"/如何樂觀的面對每一天?
Truth is, I'm always up, I'm always down/但真相卻是,我的心情總是難以平靜
Worry about everyone else/顧慮著旁人眼光


But once in a while, I catch myself/可是偶爾,我會停下腳步
Once in a while, I ask myself/有那麼片刻,我問我自己
What am I doing?/究竟在幹嘛啊?
Once in a while, I need your help/有那麼一瞬間,我需要你的援手
But once in a while I feel like/可是有時候,我感覺自己
I just wanna dance/只想盡情手舞足蹈
I feel good, I feel good
I feel good, I feel good/感覺爽到不行


I live life like my blood type, B positive/我是標準的樂天B型血
These days something got me feeling quite the opposite/最近卻因煩惱而沮喪
Music like my heroin, but all I hear is poppy shit/音樂曾是我的海洛因,現在聽來卻像念經
Time to get up off of it and watch somebody copy it/該打起精神了,然後笑看某個憂鬱的人
I'm West bound down and out/我是另一個「職棒鮮師」
Feeling fake now like somebody found me out/承受著眾目睽睽下的焦慮與空虛
Need to slow down, I'm brownin' out/一切太過躁進,我得好好冷靜
So many thoughts, lemme drown 'em out/讓我把千思萬緒通通丟進大海

I thought I would know better/我希望自己能夠洞悉人情
That's wishful thinkin'/那簡直天方夜譚
Thought there'd be no pressure/妄想有個無憂無慮的天堂
That's wishful drinkin'/完全是痴人夢話
Is anything forever or just a feeling?/所謂的永恆是否為假象罷了?
What have I been so afraid of?/我怎麼變得如此多慮?
I don't know/不明白啊!


But once in a while, I catch myself/可是偶爾,我會停下腳步
Once in a while, I ask myself/有那麼片刻,我問我自己
What am I doing?/究竟在幹嘛啊?
Once in a while, I need your help/有那麼一瞬間,我需要你的援手
But once in a while I feel like/可是有時候,我感覺自己
I just wanna dance/只想盡情手舞足蹈
I feel good, I feel good
I feel good, I feel good/感覺爽到不行


I've been looking at where we're going/不斷地尋找我們的目標
There's no slowin' down to go back/時光也一去不復返
And thinking of where we've been/努力地回憶我們的初衷
No one's ever been given a road map/路是靠自己走出來的
Say "Slow down, turn here, graduate and work here/記住,「放慢步伐,傾聽自己的聲音
Come and get a raise when you finish up your first year"/一年後,你將大有斬獲」
No, if you're doing it, you're doing it right/如果你正在這樣做,請繼續保持
Keep it movin', now tell me what you're doing tonight/堅持下去,現在告訴我你打算做什麼
Cause sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down/因為我們有想笑的時候,也有想哭的時候
Don't worry about anyone else/不要擔心旁人的眼光


But once in a while, I catch myself/可是偶爾,我會停下腳步
Once in a while, I ask myself/有那麼片刻,我問我自己
What am I doing?/究竟在幹嘛啊?
Once in a while, I need your help/有那麼一瞬間,我需要你的援手
But once in a while I feel like/可是有時候,我感覺自己
I just wanna dance/只想盡情手舞足蹈
I feel good, I feel good
I feel good, I feel good/感覺爽到不行


註一:「In Cali, no Khaled, but fuck, we the best」這句是在玩Cali(加州)跟Dj Khaled的諧音梗。

註二:「I'm West bound down and out」是改編自HBO的搞笑劇集《Eastbound down and out/職棒鮮師》,該劇在講述一個大聯盟球員因傷引退後回到老家的中學當體育老師,頂著自己是「光榮退休」的謊言與學生發生一連串的趣事。




    創作者 大虎士革 的頭像


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